Kotlin's .copy() gotcha... when Java is better

December 29, 2020

Kotlin’s data classes are cool. They are the recommended way of replacing POJOs and it is usually recommended to use them with vals so the classes are immutable.

They come with a handy copy() method that “clones” the data class, which can also be parameterized with any named argument, so the new object has all the fields of the original class + the overridden fields. So far so good.

How does Kotlin’s copy() work under the hood?

The way this is implemented in the bytecode is by adding two methods that do all the heavy-lifting. e.g.:

// shared.kt 
data class Shared(
  val st: String = "some string"

If we inspect the bytecode of this class we see something like:

$ javap -l Shared.class # I'm trimming irrelevant stuff

  public final Shared copy(java.lang.String, boolean, long);
    descriptor: (Ljava/lang/String;ZJ)LShared;
      stack=6, locals=5, args_size=4
         0: new           #2                  // class Shared
         3: dup
         4: aload_1
         5: iload_2
         6: lload_3
         7: invokespecial #35                 // Method "<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;ZJ)V
        10: areturn


  public static Shared copy$default(Shared, java.lang.String, boolean, long, int, java.lang.Object);
    descriptor: (LShared;Ljava/lang/String;ZJILjava/lang/Object;)LShared;
.... truncated

We see here two different copy methods. One is a member method that receives all parameters necessary to create a copy of a data class. Not sure why this one is necessary since it basically just calls the constructor of the data class.

In this particular example, it loads the string (aload1 to load the first parameter, i.e. the String), the boolean (iload2), and the long (lload3) and calls the constructor (invokespecial ... <init>) of the class with that, and returns that reference (aretrun).

copy$default seems to be the one method calling the copy() method. It has a more interesting signature: it receives the instance being copied (the first param), followed by all the fields of the data class, followed by an int, and then a weird java.lang.Object.

Let’s first see the bytecode for something using the copy method:

// some.kt
fun doSomething(arg: Shared) {
    println(arg.copy(st = "new-value", l = 10L))

The bytecode for the code above:

javap -c SomeKt.class 
Compiled from "some.kt"
public final class SomeKt {
  public static final void doSomething(Shared);
       0: aload_0
       1: ldc           #9                  // String arg
       3: invokestatic  #15                 // Method kotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter:(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
       6: aload_0
       7: ldc           #17                 // String new-value
       9: iconst_0
      10: ldc2_w        #18                 // long 10l
      13: iconst_2
      14: aconst_null
      15: invokestatic  #25                 // Method Shared.copy$default:(LShared;Ljava/lang/String;ZJILjava/lang/Object;)LShared;
      18: astore_1
      19: iconst_0
      20: istore_2
      21: getstatic     #31                 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
      24: aload_1
      25: invokevirtual #37                 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
      28: return

The fun part starts at instruction 6: the arguments for the copy$default method are prepared:

  • 6 aload_0: loads the instance of Shared to be copied (first parameter for copy$default())
  • 7: ldc this loads the “new-value” constant
  • 9: iconst_0 loads the boolean
  • 10: ldc2_w loads the long param
  • 13 iconst_2 loads a mysterious int. More on this later.
  • aconst_null passes null as last parameter.

Now, with this information, the copy$default method is responsible for figuring out which fields it has to copy from the original object and which ones it needs to override. My guess here is that it uses the int as a mask to infer this… let’s see if that’s the case. This is the bytecode for the copy$default method:

  public static Shared copy$default(Shared, java.lang.String, boolean, long, int, java.lang.Object);
    descriptor: (LShared;Ljava/lang/String;ZJILjava/lang/Object;)LShared;
      stack=5, locals=7, args_size=6
         0: iload         5
         2: iconst_1
         3: iand
         4: ifeq          12
         7: aload_0
         8: getfield      #11                 // Field st:Ljava/lang/String;
        11: astore_1
        12: iload         5
        14: iconst_2
        15: iand
        16: ifeq          24
        19: aload_0
        20: getfield      #19                 // Field b:Z
        23: istore_2
        24: iload         5
        26: iconst_4
        27: iand
        28: ifeq          36
        31: aload_0
        32: getfield      #25                 // Field l:J
        35: lstore_3
        36: aload_0
        37: aload_1
        38: iload_2
        39: lload_3
        40: invokevirtual #47                 // Method copy:(Ljava/lang/String;ZJ)LShared;
        43: areturn

The fun starts right at the beginning:

  • 0: iload 5 we are loading that interesting int into the operand stack
  • 2: iconst_1 then we load the constant 1
  • 3: iand then we AND those 2 integers. The result is is push into the operand stack.
  • 4: ifeq 12 means that if the result of the previous step is == 0, then we jump to instruction 12. Otherwise, we execute the following instruction.
    • When the ifeq does not succeed we replace the parameter (in this case the first String) with whatever is inside the original object (aload_0 to load the object, getfield to get the String field, astore_1 to replace the method parameter with that value).
    • Otherwise, it means we need to use whatever value provided as argument to copy$default, i.e. we will override that field.

Same deal for the other two parameters. And then:

  • 36: aload_0 and then aload_1, iload_2, lload_3 are used to load the parameters (or the values we replaced before) into the operand stack so they can be passed to the copy() method.

If this is not 100% clear, this is what the code would look like if in Java:

public static Shared copy$default(Shared original, String s, boolean b, long l, int mask, Object x) {
    if (mask & 1 == 0) s = original.st;
    if (mask & 2 == 0) b = original.b;
    if (mask & 4 == 0) l = original.l;
    return copy(s, b, l);

From this, we can infer that this mask int is hardcoded into the bytecode for calls of .copy(). In the example above, where we are overriding the first and third fields of the class it passed the number 2 (iconst_2). In binary 010, which when used in the copy$default means exactly that: override the first and third parameter, but reuse the middle one.

It’s also interesting that the extra Object parameter has no apparent use.

So what?

Ok, so this was fun, but what’s the point. Why is this bad?

This is pretty nice, but I found it can cause issues sometimes. Imagine the following:

  • The data class lives in library A, v1
  • Library B uses A-v1 and also calls the copy method.
  • App X uses both libraries A-v1 and B.
  • All of them with a different release cadence, and potentially the responsibility of different teams.

So far so good. Now imaging we update the data class in library A and add a new field:

data class Shared(
  val st: String? = "some string",
  val b: Boolean = false,
  val l: Long = 0L,
  val extra: String? = null

This might seem like a safe change. We added a new field, but it should not interfere with any usage of this class. It is in theory backward compatible.

Say we now release library A v2 with this change. And App X upgrades to this new version. App compiles and releases fine, except that you get a nasty surprise at runtime:

 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'Shared.copy$default(Shared, java.lang.String, boolean, long, java.lang.String, int, java.lang.Object)'

Ooops. Library B’s bytecode still relies on the old signature of library A v1, and so it fails to invoke that method.

This sucks because technically the class should be compatible. In fact, updating to library A v2 in library B should compile fine (the bytecode will change to include the new signature).

In fact, if this was done in old good Java without anything fancy it would have just worked, i.e. assuming the copy feature is implemented manually like this:

// some.java
void doSomething(Shared arg) {
  Shared copy = new Shared();
  copy.st = "new-value";
  copy.b = arg.b;
  copy.l = arg.l;

In other words, the verbose, naive, explicit, ugly Java version would not break production as Kotlin did.


Just be careful when using .copy() especially when the data class is going to be shared in a library.

This is nothing new (breaking prod because of incompatible library versions), except that it sucks that the change is technically backward compatible.

Fancy language features are not magic and can come with nasty surprises.

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