Connect to VPN using Pritunl + auto 2FA

April 21, 2018

At work we use Pritunl to connect to the office VPN. This process involves entering a password and a two factor authentication token. Tired of manually connecting using the graphical user interface and pulling my phone to get a new 2FA every time, I went ahead and tried to automate the process. It turns out that, in Linux, Pritunl offers two clients: CLI and GTK. Using the CLI one, once you have imported the VPN profile, you can connect to a VPN like this: ... Read more

Idempotence layer on bloom filters

April 10, 2018

TLDR: we run several applications consuming multiple real-time streams. These applications implement idempotence using Redis sets. In this post I describe our journey moving to bloom filters (using the ReBloom module), which brought down our memory usage by almost 10x. Let’s briefly define idempotence: An operation is said to be idempotent when applying it multiple times has the same effect. There are some reasons why applications consuming a real-time stream must have an idempotence layer, e. ... Read more

So... I have an album on Spotify

March 30, 2018

First of all, let me clarify something: I’m not a musician. I don’t even know the difference between DO and RE. I’m a human just like you (unless you are some future alien reading this, in which case all I can say is: cool), so I like music. And using a synthesizer is rather easy to create your own, so I did it, and it’s live and feels great. ... Read more

Find self-references in (possibly nested) collections

March 16, 2018

I found a nice trick reading part of the ElasticSearch client for Java. Say you are given an object (could be a map, a list, an array or anything) and you need to make sure the same reference does not show up in any of the children objects (or theirs). Here is how this the ElasticSearch guys solved this problem: static void ensureNoSelfReferences(Object value) { ensureNoSelfReferences(value, Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>())); } static void ensureNoSelfReferences(final Object value, final Set<Object> ancestors) { if (value ! ... Read more

Mutability and Java 8's method references

March 12, 2018

Method references is a nice feature introduced in Java 8. It lets you make your lambdas even more concise: // from... someStream .map(item -> obj.someMethod(item)) .moreStuff... // to... someStream .map(obj::someMethod) .moreStuff... Some linting tools will even suggest you replace your lambdas with method references but, watch out, that sometimes have some unadverted consequences. For instance, this is a piece of actual code I was working one: private List<Application> applications() { return applications . ... Read more

Merge multi-project test coverage: Gradle + Jacoco + Sonarqube

March 8, 2018

I’m assuming you got here because you are using Gradle with Jacoco and noticed that integrating it with Sonarqube does not work perfectly out of the box. Specifically, when your project has multiple modules, you might have seen that Sonarqube’s coverage report ignores code in module A covered by tests in module B. In fact, this is a problem that you will find even if you are not using Sonarqube: Jacoco itself will not merge test reports by default, which makes it extra hard to find a solution online. ... Read more

Send Flink's logs to ElasticSearch using Log4j

November 29, 2017

Flink uses slf4j as its logging façade, and log4j as the default logging framework (they support logback too). Logs are accessible via Flink’s UI in the JobManager tab which is good for short-lived jobs but unusable for long-lived, streaming applications. You probably want your logs out of there somewhere else; here’s how you can send them to ElasticSearch so you can access them, say, with Kibana. First, you will need a log4j binding for ElasticSearch; Downfy/log4j-elasticsearch-java-api seems to do the job. ... Read more

Shuffle or pick random lines from a file

November 13, 2017

There comes a day in the life a developer when one needs to choose random lines from a text file. This is useful for a myriad of reasons, like taking a random sample of a CSV file, or shuffling the code of your coworkers, just for fun. There are multiple tools in the UNIX toolbox to solve this problem, but the shuf utility is by far the most elegant: # shuffles a file and prints to stdout shuf file # pick 100 random lines from a file shuf file -n 100 There’s also sort which has a --random-sort flag. ... Read more

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